Serial Shot Camera (English)

 Serial Shot with Filter Effect


  • Have you ever failed taking a picture by missing timing ? Is not that the child has gone to blink at the same time as pressing the shutter?
    If you have a camera which can take pictures serially, you may not miss chance.
    This application can take up to 12 pictures serially. Resolution of pictures is best quality on your device.
  • Serial Shut Camera support 13 of filters (and 4 filters are added on iOS 6). You can apply any filters in prevue detail panel. Parameter of each filter can be configured.
    You can apply multiple filters at a time.


 Main Panel



1. Torch on /off

You can turn on / off torch if your device have torch.

2. Toggle front / back camera

You can toggle front / back camera.

3. Focus point

You can move focus point by long tap screen.

4. Camera button to shot

In order to take a shot, tap camera button or screen.

5. Configuration

Go to configuration panel.

6. Number of serial shot

Indicate remaining of serial shot.

7. Indicate saving data

Indicate if saving data in background.

8. Self timer

Indicate remaining of second for self timer.

9. Album button

You can select picture which save on your device. You can apply filter effect on your pictures.

10. Screen

Single tap: Take a shot. Start self timer.
Double tap : Reset focus point.
Long tap : Move focus point.
Swipe : Zoom in / out

You can cancel serial shot and self timer by tapping camera button or screen.




Configuration Panel

1. Take a shot by tap

on : You can take a shot by tapping screen and camera button.
off : You can take a shot by tapping only camera button.

2. Preview before save

on : Preview pictures before saving data.
off : Saving picture immediately.

3. Number of serial shot

Select number of serial shot.

4. Interval in second

Interval time of each shot in second.

5.  Torch level (iOS 6 or later)

You can select torch brightness level.

6. Self timer

You can use self timer. If your device have a torch, it can be used for count down.


Preview Panel

1. Checkbox

Select / Unselect for saving.

2. Picture

By tapping picture, you can see detail.

3. Action Button

You can save selected pictures.

4. Done Button

After you tap “Done”, all unsaved data will be deleted.



Preview Detail Panel

1. Checkbox

You can select / unselect for previous page.

2. Filter Button


3. Action Button

Save : Save this picture.
Mail : Attach this picture to attach mail to send.
Twitter : Attach this picture for Twitter.
Facebook : Attach this picture for Facebook (iOS 6 or later).

4. Screen

By swipe picture, you can zoom in / out to see detail.


Filter Panel

You can apply and adjust filters.

  1. Color Controls
  2. Color Monochrome
  3. Exposure Adjust
  4. Gamma Adjust
  5. Hue Adjust
  6. Temperature and Tint
  7. Vibrance
  8. White Point Adjust
  9. Color Invert
  10. False Color
  11. Sepia Tone
  12. Vignette

In iOS 6, flowing filters are added.

  1. Color Posterize
  2. Maximum Component
  3. Minimum Component


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